Everyday we use a search engine. They are on our mobile phones, they are on our smart devices (like Alexa) and they are on our computers and internet notepads. Unfortunately for the user the results are no longer a full representation of reality. Yes you are being lied to.
The following are a representation of the Internet search engines commonly used by consumers and internet users. Years ago when you searched for something you actually did receive honest results that were truthful. Today it is about money and the revenue paid to these internet search engines to index truthful and complete honest results.
The worst search engine you can use is Google. and search for “Best Prostate”. Best Prostate ® is a registered trademark. Note that the product name is on the Principal register. The trademark is identified as standard characters without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color. Therefore when you perform a search on this trademark the search results should provide the website for Best Prostate. When a search engine sends the user looking for Best Prostate to other results that do not contain the Official website it is a violation of Federal Law. The Google search results for the Best Prostate trademark send users of Google elsewhere. This constitutes an infringement and a violation of 15 U.S. § 1114, and a violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a), as well as common law trademark infringement, unfair competition and trademark dilution.
Preform the same search on Yahoo or Bing. Type in the search term BEST PROSTATE. On both search engines the results will show Best Prostate ® Official Site | IMS Supplements, Inc. in the search results. The same is true for MSN (Microsoft Search Network) search results.
The Google search platform used to index the trademark Best Prostate. But at that time the trademark owner was spending up to $14,000 USD a month to Google for GoogleAds. These advertising costs do one thing. They increase the price of the product you are buying. Knowledge is power and you the consumer need to know the truth. Companies and organizations that refuse to pay Google are not included in the search results. When you do a search using Google, what are you seeing? Obviously it is not honest and/or objective results.
Google should not be allowed to violate United States Federal Patent and Trademark Laws. Other business and countless products are affected by Google’s greed. When you search for a lawyer using Google did you know that you have just added $300 to $500 dollars to your bill if you hire that attorney? This is what a lawyer pays to advertise on Google. Plumbers, electricians are also paying Google. The result you the consumer pay for those advertising costs. It is important to educate yourself about the internet and how it affects your pocket book or wallet. It is also helpful when search results are truthful, honest, and complete.
Protect yourself, family and friends and share this lesson about search engines. You deserve internet search results that are honest, truthful, and helpful. The results should not be based on payouts. Google is a monopoly and the Department of Justice needs to enforce Federal Patent and Trademark law violations.
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