Posts in category Consumer Information
Fraud at the Gas Pump Protect Yoursel...
Shop smart — if it does not have a security seal that is not broken then you should not put your card in. The seal should not be generic (one that could be printed up without a logo. The business should have the ability to scan the seal daily to confirm it is a legitimate seal. It’s not worth someone emptying your accounts – [...]
Protecting your Parents and the Elder...
Heads up folks. Who is calling your parents? Who is sending them mail or soliciting them? Readers Digest? Publisher’s Clearing House? Lillian Vernon? Fingerhut? These organizations and others prey upon aging parents. Some of the most common mail scams targeting seniors today are fake checks, phony sweepstakes, foreign lotteries, fr [...]
I Heard it on TV, it must be true, A...
Have you ever wondered why you do not get the same miracle results that you see in an advertisement or on a popular doctor television program? But the doctor said that if I take this I would lose weight. It’s time to smarten up and get to the truth and anyone can do it. First realize that a lot of programming is subsidized or receiv [...]
Sugar – Addictive and Dangerous...
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only 10% of our calories should come from sugars at most and now they believe it should be as low as 5%. Is sugar the next addictive substance to be hit hard by health groups, but how addictive and dangerous is it? In recent findings by the World Health Organization (WHO), it’s been discovere [...]
Labor Day – Sales, Shopping, an...
Numerous countries celebrate Labor Day or Labour Day as it is spelled in Canada. On this day we celebrate the economic and social contributions of workers. Labor Day as many know it is also a time to make purchases and take advantage of many sales. We encourage all Americans to celebrate American Labor by purchasing products that are made [...]
Hyped Supplement Tests Reveal Questio...