Can the water you drink affect your health? Yes it can. Who drinks water? Well we all do. Unfortunately most water contains dissolved solids. These dissolved solids include heavy metals which are toxic to human biology, and radioactive isotopes that can cause radiation poisoning from the inside of your body once swallowed. These are some of the common dissolved solids found in well and tap water.
Arsenic: A cancer-causing metal often found contaminating water wells.
Cadmium: A very toxic heavy metals that damages the heart and kidneys. Also causes hardening of the arteries.
Mercury: A very toxic element that’s also very easy to filter out. Most filters successfully remove nearly all mercury.
Lead: A very toxic heavy metal linked to mental retardation, cancer and bone disorders. Lead is very commonly found in foods and pet treats manufactured in China.
Aluminum: a light metal linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia. Widely found in many foods in “organic” forms and not considered harmful unless consumed in high concentrations of “inorganic” forms.
Copper: A necessary trace mineral nutrient in small doses, but quickly becomes toxic with high exposure. Can cause mental disorders and insanity. Most people get too much copper from copper water pipes and multivitamins.
Elements with radioactive isotopes:
Strontium: Radioactive isotopes of strontium can contaminate the landscape in the aftermath of a nuclear attack or nuclear disaster.
Cesium: The most deadly radioactive element in a nuclear disaster is cesium-137 with a half life of around 30 years. Cesium-137 falls on water supplies and contaminates drinking water.
Uranium: A byproduct of nuclear bombs and nuclear energy, uranium isotopes last millions of years and have contaminated the entire planet starting with the testing of atomic weapons in the 1940’s.
A few states actually have the least amount of TDS (total dissolved solids) (<50) and they are: OREGON, MAINE, and SOUTH CAROLINA
The next three states have the most TDS (401 plus) and they are: NORTH DAKOTA, NEVADA, and ARIZONA
The following four states have TDS (301-400) TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, INDIANA, and VERMONT.
The remaining states have TDS (051-300).
It is difficult to discern and expensive to discern what actual TDS are in your actual water supply so many people choose water filtration systems. To measure TDS it is easy and can be done with the following device which run from $9.99 to $20.00. Click on image below to get yours.
There is a lot of confusion with respect to water purification. Every manufacturer claims that they are the best. Many people rely on filtration through their refrigerator which are only as good as long as you change the filters consistently. These are typically here: Click on image above to get yours.
I decided to test my own water here in Southern California. So using a TDS meter I found that my tap water TDS is 294 (lower than what is expected for my state). I then decided to test the water dispensed from my refrigerator door which filter I change religiously. The TDS of that water is 204. A significant improvement but definitely less than I was hoping for and a surprise to me. All in all a disappointment.
I researched the top brands of water filtration pitchers BRITA , PUR
. After reading extensively I decided to go with the one that promised a TDS of zero which I would be able to measure.
I decided that it made sense to filter the water that had already been filtered from my refrigerator since the amount of TDS (totally dissolved solids) would be less and extend the life of the replaceable filter in the pitcher that I purchased. One pass through my new ZEROWATER pitcher and the TDS went from 204 to ZERO. ZeroWater filters can be quickly be “used up” if you try to filter high mineral content water through them such as well water. Because the ZeroWater ion exchange element binds with virtually ALL elements, its life will be reduced if you run high TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) water through it on a regular basis.
The decision rests with each of us. I just figured that if I am going to shop organic and buy non-GMO fruit and vegetables I should also consider what I drink every day as part of the package. You can shop here, and you can shop there, with the internet all of these items can be delivered to your door. If you want to look more closely at your water then here’s the answer.
Click on the image above to purchase at
To further clarify the following tests were sponsored by “Heavy Metals Defense“, the world’s only laboratory-validated dietary supplement for capturing and supporting elimination of heavy metals in your food. is not affiliated with and receives no compensation for any of the following information from Heavy Metals Defense. To learn more about “Heavy Metals Defense” visit them by clicking on the underlined link or their name here.
Actual results of the Brita water filter:
Aluminum reduction: INCREASE of 33.9%
Copper reduction: 8.6%
Arsenic reduction: 12.1%
Strontium reduction: 3.6%
Cadmium reduction: 6.6%
Cesium reduction: 9.5%
Mercury reduction: 74.6%
Lead reduction: 14.1%
Uranium reduction: 10.0%
Actual results for the Pur water filter:
Aluminum reduction: INCREASE of 46.8%
Copper reduction: 27.6%
Arsenic reduction: 19.8%
Strontium reduction: 15.4%
Cadmium reduction: 17.4%
Cesium reduction: 27.8%
Mercury reduction: 98.9%
Lead reduction: 34.9%
Uranium reduction: 31.5%
Actual results for the Mavea water filter:
Aluminum reduction: 8.1%
Copper reduction: 18.8%
Arsenic reduction: 18.6%
Strontium reduction: 2.4%
Cadmium reduction: 9.2%
Cesium reduction: 15.3%
Mercury reduction: 85.0%
Lead reduction: 23.4%
Uranium reduction: 22.7%
Actual results for the ZeroWater water filter:
The only drawback of ZeroWater filters is that they can quickly be “used up” if you try to filter high mineral content water through them such as well water. Because the ZeroWater ion exchange element binds with virtually ALL elements, its life will be reduced if you run high TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) water through it on a regular basis.
Aluminum reduction: 100%
Copper reduction: 99.1%
Arsenic reduction: 99.3%
Strontium reduction: 100%
Cadmium reduction: 99.2%
Cesium reduction: 100%
Mercury reduction: 99.4%
Lead reduction: 99.2%
Uranium reduction: 99.1%
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