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Eat These Foods to Reduce Inflammatio...
Inflammation may be the “hot” topic in medicine, but no one’s really talking about how to keep it in check using what Mother Nature gave us. There’s plenty of information on OTC (a.k.a.—over the counter) and prescription anti-inflammatory creams and pills, but not a whole lot of talk on healthier options like food or l [...]
Repel Mosquitos Naturally
There’s nothing worse than watching the sun go down on a lovely day and then being attacked by mosquitos. In the Northeast, we live for summer. And spending as much time out in nature is probably what the founding fathers referred to as the “pursuit of happiness.”
The pesticides industry claims that DEET is relativel [...]
Medicine Cabinet Makeover
Integrative medicine is really gaining momentum and for good reason. It works. With any luck at all, pill popping will become a last resort rather than first line therapy for what ails us.
In our house we do not have antacids, ibuprofen, or antibacterial anything. We’ve been able to find natural replacements for all those things that n [...]
Natural Ways To Prevent The Flu
It’s that time of year again. Dare I say it? Winter is coming! And with it, the dreaded cold and flu season. Isn’t it crazy that something as annoying as a cold or the flu gets its own season? Being bedridden with either is not something I want to contemplate. So at this time of year, I run through my list of tried and true [...]
Is Stress Hijacking Your Life?
Let’s face it, stress is an everyday part of life. Most of it, when taken in small doses, is quite manageable. It becomes a problem when these small stressors start to multiply.
The car breaks down, the kids are sick and you have to scramble for a sitter or take the day off, there’s talk of layoffs at work, you have more bills t [...]
Do You Need A Health Coach?
If you haven’t heard the term “health coach” yet, it’s just a matter of time before you do. You might be thinking, “what in the world is a health coach, and why would I need one?”
I’m glad you asked. When’s the last time you made a goal for your health and stuck with it? Chances are you̵ [...]
Five Tips To Cleanse Your Life
It’s that time of year again where everywhere you look there’s a new cleanse or detox tempting you to clean up and clear out your system. With so much conflicting information available, it’s difficult to decide which plan is right for you.
The first thing to do is try something that resonates with you. If you see something that gives you a [...]