As we age, more and more men are facing low T or low testosterone levels. Typically the symptoms of low testosterone are decreased libido or sex drive, fatigue, decreased muscle, and increased fat. Erectile dysfunction and even depression have become common in men with low testosterone.
Most physicians feel that they are seeing an increase in low testosterone in the male population. However many physicians feel that men are speaking up and seeking help from physicians more than they use to. I’m not convinced that this is the only reason more men are experiencing low testosterone and being diagnosed with low testosterone.
When we look what has changed in the North American diet over that last 60 years. Some suspects that could play a role are foods that are high in estrogen. Obviously men should avoid or strictly limit consumption of these ingredients. Two plant based forms of estrogen are soybeans and flax seed. These two plants in todays diet are very high in estrogen.
In 1944 soy entered the human food chain as soy milk, ice cream and nondairy whipped topping. Prior to that, soybeans and by-products were considered unfit for human consumption. One of the best graphs showing soybeans rapid rise in the diets of North Americans is here:
Source: 11 Charts That Show Everything Wrong with Our Modern Diet by Dr. Mercola.
It appears that 1969 is when soy consumption really started to increase in our diets. Ironically the number of physicians specializing in infertility also has increased like this graph. Population control, makes you wonder if their is a direct correlation. The number one producer of soybean seed for farmers is Monsanto (now Bayer) and this aggressive grab to control food supply for profits is obvious. Even worse in 1994 the first genetically modified (GMO) soybean was created and unleashed on the general public. Since 1994 to present 92 to 94% of all soybeans grown in North America are GMO and the name of that seed is “Round-Up Ready Soybeans”, trademark Monsanto. Men should limit or remove unwanted estrogens from their diets.
The only true way to know if you have low testosterone is to go see a physician. A simple blood test will measure Total Testosterone (normal being 241 to 827 NG/DL), Free Testosterone (direct) (normal being 4.25 to 30.37 PG/ML), and Free % Testosterone (normal calculation 0.10 to 0.27 %).
Most physicians feel that OTC or dietary supplements that claim to boost testosterone are not effective. They are generally expensive. If you choose prescription or dietary supplements consult your physician. Let him be your guide with respect to low testosterone. The best thing that you can do is change your diet. Familiarize yourself with the way soy is disguised on food labels.
Labels might include: Soy, Soybean, soy lecithin, SVP (soy vegetable protein), TVP (texturized vegetable protein), TSP (textured soy protein), Soybean oil, Soy flour.
Sometimes you will only see the initials used like SVP so beware if you are trying to limit or remove soy from your diet.
If you are a man using flax seed or flax it is probably best to choose an alternate source for Omega 3 such as fish oil supplements.
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